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Join date: Dec 23, 2024


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I'm an old dude who likes to ride bikes, likes to ride my trainer (didn't used to - thanks Zwift), and thinks I can times...when I have time.

I try to be as friendly as possible while riding, and I try to help those who are getting started, who can't hang onto groups in group rides (I'll slow and ride with them, make sure they can make it back, etc.). I also try to ride as many rallies as I can during the rally season - I like t-shirts. I do get a little miffed when people and promoters promote these rides as "races"...they're far from that - but some people try to turn them into races...and that can be dangerous around a majority of people who have never pinned on a number and are just out to have some fun!

I like to try to follow the rules of the Velominati...but not seriously...just in fun!

jeff gates

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